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Wivarex Otomotiv

Terms of Use

Terms of Use

Terms of Use

1. This site is owned by Wivarex Otomotiv Ltd. Şti. ("Wivarex.com"). By visiting the web page http://www.wivarex.com, you declare that you have read and fully understood the terms of use of the site; that you accept all the conditions mentioned below without any reservation or condition; and that you will not raise any objection or defense regarding these issues.

2. Without Wivarex.com's written consent, the content of the Site cannot be distributed, transmitted, altered, copied, displayed, reproduced, published, processed, or used in any other way, either directly or indirectly, exactly or in any other way.

3. The information provided on or through the Site should not be used as advice in any way. Wivarex.com makes every effort to ensure that all information on this site is correct, but it does not guarantee that all information is accurate, complete, and unchanged. Users should verify the information on the Site. Wivarex.com reserves the right to change all information on the site content at any time without prior notice.

4. Wivarex.com is not responsible for any direct or indirect damages arising from the entry to this internet site, or the use of the information and other data, programs, etc., available on the site.

5. Others' use of the Site cannot be restricted or prevented, and the operation of the servers or networks used to make the Site available cannot be interfered with. No harmful programs, software, codes, or similar materials can be sent to the Site.

6. Wivarex.com is not responsible for any direct or indirect damages, including but not limited to loss and damages resulting from virus attacks affecting your computer hardware and information obtained from the Site.

7. Site users agree not to use any tools, software, or devices to interfere with or attempt to interfere with the operation of the website, not to connect to the site without authorization, and not to access or use other internet users' software and data without permission.

8. The Site may contain links to other websites owned by third parties that are completely independent of Wivarex.com and are not under Wivarex.com's control. Wivarex.com does not guarantee the accuracy of the information on these sites. Wivarex.com is not responsible for the services/products or their content provided on websites accessed through these links. The user's access to these internet sites is entirely at their own risk and without Wivarex.com's permission.

9. Wivarex.com has the right to contact the user for communication, marketing, advertising, notification, and other purposes through the address, email address, fixed and mobile phone lines, and other contact information provided by the user in the registration form on the site or later updated by them. By accepting this agreement, the user accepts and declares that Wivarex.com can conduct the communication activities mentioned above. The user has the right to withdraw this permission at any time by notifying Wivarex.com in writing without any reason.

10. The presentation of this site and all its content are protected by the legislation of the Republic of Turkey and intellectual property law. All trademarks, logos, icons, computer software, applied sales system, business method, technical data presented in written, electronic, graphic, or machine-readable form, domain name, general appearance, and service marks on this site are owned by Wivarex.com or licensors or trademark owners. Without written permission from Wivarex.com or licensors or trademark owners, these cannot be processed, copied, transmitted, published, distributed, reproduced, used, or permanently downloaded in any way. Violations may result in legal and criminal liability. All rights arising from the laws are reserved for Wivarex.com.

11. Any alteration of any information on this site in any way will result in all types of criminal and legal proceedings.

12. The services offered on the site do not imply a commitment by Wivarex.com to sell a car to the user. The user accepts and declares that Wivarex.com has no obligation to sell a car to them, that the decision to sell a car belongs solely to Wivarex.com, that Wivarex.com's approval is required to complete the car sale, that a car sale agreement will be made separately with Wivarex.com, and that the car sale will only be carried out upon the mutual signing of this car sale agreement. The user also agrees that they will not claim any rights, receivables, or compensation in case Wivarex.com does not sell the car, does not approve the car sale, and/or does not sign the car sale agreement.

13. Wivarex.com reserves the right to update, change, temporarily or permanently suspend, terminate and close the Site, its content, and any services, products, and information available on the site and its extension at any time without prior notice. The updated, renewed, or abolished provision will be effective for all users as of the publication date. Therefore, the "Terms of Use" page should be regularly followed. Wivarex.com is not responsible for damages arising from the interruption of access to the Site or the temporary or permanent closure of the Site.

14. Site users are considered to have accepted that in case of any dispute regarding or related to the site, this dispute will be governed by the laws of the Republic of Turkey, regardless of conflict of laws rules, and will be resolved according to these laws. They also accept that the Istanbul Anatolian Courts and Execution Offices will have jurisdiction in resolving the dispute.

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